LOCATION: St. Agnes Hospital SAFE HOUSE: a loft in the center of the hospital grounds
~HiStOrY~ St. Agnes Hospital for the chronically ill, in reality is Fairfield State Hospital located in Newton, CT.
It first opened its doors in 1932. After several years, it became seriously overcrowded and understaffed. The staff members
were very difficult to get and keep. This lead to the neglect, abuse, and often death of many patients. Also instituted were
cruel and inhumane treatment procedures. This included electroshock therapy and the frontal lobotomy. In 1972, the hospital
officially closed. However, there are sections that have remained open. This is perhaps the reason the cast was not allowed
to go above ground during their say at the hospital. The fate of the open portion is still being decided. St. Agnes
Hospital is known as a supernatural hotbed by paranormal researchers.
~cAsT~ Stephanie, 20 from Portland, OR - student (failed) Ch'ien, 23 from Malaysia - development fundraiser (yes,
its haunted) Raquel, 18 from New Orleans - shoe salesperson (failed) Darrelle, 23 from Portland, OR - cola merchandiser
(undecided) Jim, 24 from Boston, MA - management consultant (yes, its haunted)
~dArEs~ 1.Maximum Secturity Psychiatric Ward- used to house violent patients. ~Jim was placed in this room with
a hood and straight jacker on. Ch'ien and Darrelle are sent to find him. (completed) 2.Lobotomy Room- used to preform
lobotomies(an operation in which part of the frontal lobe is removed by drilling holes into the skull. It is belived to 'cure'
the patient) ~Darrelle is to sit on the lobotomy bench, and using autodrawing is to contact Emily and ask her 2 questions.
(completed) 3.Blood Room- located in Compton Hall, was used as an arts and crafts room. Emily, the lobotomy patient
was murdered here, and her blood stains the floor. ~With Stephanie as safety, Jim is to collect samples of the blood.
(completed) 4.Tunnel of Echos- located in Schuster Hall was used to transport dead bodies to the morgue. ~Ch'ien
must go alone to the end of the tunnel and get equipment to use for a future dare. (completed) 5.Mass Seclution Area-
located in Schuster Hall, it was used to house dangerous patients and make more room for new ones. ~Jim, Stephanie and
Darrelle are to have a seance here, using Jim as a medium and a ouija board. (completed) 6.Autopsy Room- located in
Welch Laboratory, was used to examine and store the dead bodies. ~Ch'ien is to spend 3 minutes in a cadaver drawer with
the door closed. He is assisted by Jim. (completed) *bonus* Compton Hall Attic- a man was admitted for a complusive
disorder. He sat in this attic ringing a bell for hours at a time. He was later discovered hanging from the rafters. ~Darrelle
is to explore the attic using EMF equipment to determine paranormal activity. (completed)